The Richmond Shag Club (RSC)
CSA Shag Contest
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Shag Contest Admission Charge(s): 

Members of Sponsoring Shag Club*: $15.00
* (subject to financial committment by sponsoring clubs)

General Admission (per person)$20.00

Note: The facility is limited to 200 occupants so tickets and seating will be handled on a first come-first served basis.  Tables accommodate  8 persons.  To reserve a table, the names (and shag club affiliation) must be submit with advance payment for the table. 

Shag Workshops (2) with:

presenting: Steps & Technique for the Social Shagger!
$10.00 @ for all workshop participants

12:30 - 1:30 pm: Gene & Nancy Pope's Workshop
1:45  - 2:45 pm: A.C. & Cathy Williams' Workshop

Note: The shag workshops are open to general public and do not require a ticket to the shagcontest activities.  See Contest Schedule.


Please tell us of your interest in the Shag Workshops..
Definitely attending with partner
Definitely attending by myself
Probably/Might attend
Can't make it...wish I could be there
Not interested